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 by Shigeki Abe July 31, 2015

Around the world, it's estimated that there are over 3000 different types of teas! While most of these 3000 types can be broken down into 6 categories (green, black, oolong, white, puer, and herbal), it’s daunting to know exactly what type of tea you want to drink. In this post, we take a look at the different types of Japanese green tea. Read on to impress your friends with your amazing green tea knowledge!

Japanese green tea field

So where does green tea come from? Almost all green tea is from the same plant, Camellia sinensis. These tea plants can grow into a tree if left undisturbed, but cultivated plants grow into a shrub that is waist high (for easy harvesting).

You must be wondering, if all green tea is from the same plant, then what’s the difference between Chinese and Japanese green tea? Well, there are slight variations to the plant, but the main difference is in the way the tea plants are grown, harvested, and processed 

  • Growing: Japan tends to have more intricate ways of growing their tea (covering the plants in shade at certain points in the growing season). 
  • Harvesting: In Japan, the leaves are handpicked from late spring all the way to fall. Different leaves are picked at different times of the year. In China, the leaves are usually picked all in early spring. Additionally, China tends to harvest not only the leaves, but also the buds and stalks
  • Processing: Tea leaves need to be heat treated after harvest to prevent oxidization. This helps the leaves maintain a green color and flavor. Tea leaves in China are typically roasted, giving it a broader range of flavors, a slight smokiness, and light body. In contrast Japanese tea leaves are steamed, giving it a deeper green color, higher caffeine content, and stronger flavors.


To read more, click on the link below to the original source by Shigeki Abe July 31, 2015




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